AMA Healthcare LLP



  • One Time Entries
    • Medicine Master.
    • Creditors Master.
    • Account Master.
  • Routine Transactions
    • Purchase Order.
    • Material Receipt.
    • Purchase Clearing.
    • Purchase Return.
    • Replacements.
    • Counter Sale.
    • Sales Return.
    • Expiry Return.
    • Panel Wise / Month Wise Outstanding.
AMA Healthcare LLP
AMA Healthcare LLP


  • Balance Sheet Schedules Report.
  • General Ledger Accounts Report.
  • Sub Ledger Accounts Report.
  • Inventory Groups Report.
  • Inventory Items Report.
  • Day Book.
  • Photograph.
  • Cash Book.
  • Bank Book.
  • Journal Book.
  • And Many More...


  • Very fast and can keep records of any time period.
  • Detailed and flexible more than 100 reports.
  • SMS & emailing to patients from within the system.
  • Personal Alerts.
  • Appointment Transfer to Outlook.
  • And Many More...
  • Terms & Conditions :
  • Operational Training will be provided to your selected staff for 2 to 3 hours on every module.
  • All software Training and support will be provided online through Internet broadband connection from our office only.
  • 40% Advance along with confirmed Purchase Order. Balance will payable on installation.
  • Payment to be made in favour of AMA Healthcare Softech through Cheque / D.D. payable at Delhi.
AMA Healthcare LLP