AMA Healthcare LLP

College ERP

    Marketing Information System

  • Manages all Enquires Received.
  • Follow up Details of Enq. Received.
  • Prospectus Management System

  • Manages All Prospectus Sales.
  • Filled Forms Received Back.
  • Fee Management System

  • Students Registration Details.
  • Fee Management.
  • Defaulter Students Status and many more....
  • Students & Faculty / Teacher Management System

  • Students Daily Activity Management.
  • Subject Wise Topic Scheduler.
  • Faculty Wise Subject Wise Topic Allotment.
  • Auto SMS / Email to Parents.
  • Faculties Daily Teaching Scheduler Management.
AMA Healthcare LLP
AMA Healthcare LLP

    Students Attendance Management System

  • Student Wise Lecture Wise / Class Wise Attendance.
  • Student Wise Subject Wise Attendance.
  • Student Wise Faculty Wise Attendance.
  • Low / Absent Attendance SMS to Parents.
  • Assignment Management System

  • Assignments Management System.
  • Faculties can upload the assignments.
  • Students can download the assignments from any where.
  • Students can submit there assignments ONLINE.
  • Marks Management System

  • As per University / College Norms.
  • Transport Management System

  • As per College Norms.


  • Books / Journals Master.
  • Book / Journals Issue Register.
  • Book / Journals Received Back Register.
  • Student wise Books Issued Register.
  • Total Issued Book Status.
  • Fine Status etc.
  • Books Status.
  • Discard Books Status.
  • OPEC.

  • Pay Slip Generation.
  • Salary Register.
  • P.F. Register.
  • Employee wise Leave Status.
  • Employee wise Lone Status.
  • T.D.S. Status and many more.
  • OPEC.

  • Day Book / Cash Book / Bank Book / Journal Book.
  • Purchase Orders Management.
  • Purchase Receipts.
  • Purchase Register.
  • General Ledger / Party Ledger / Item Ledger.
  • Department Wise Item Issue & Receipts Management.
  • Item wise Inventory Status.
  • Department wise stock status
  • Trial Balance.
  • Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet and many more MIS reports.
  • ASSET Management.
AMA Healthcare LLP